Hi! This is Rob McEwen from the invaluement.com anti-spam blacklist. (I just joined this list.)

I have a feature request for Exim. Or, since Exim is clearly one of the world's most flexible/configurable MTAs, is... what I'm about to describe... already be possible with existing features?

What I want to accomplish is this: provide subscribers to the invaluement anti-spam blacklist... who use exim... the ability to have their DNS queries to DNSBLs... come directly from Exim, skipping the normal DNS resolver. (and other DNSBLs could benefit from this too!)

The way this would work... is that Exim would do a normal NS lookup on the host name at the root of a DNSBL (eg "zen.spamhaus.org", for example), then collect IP address(es) that those authoritative name servers resolve to, and then do the actual DNSBL lookup *directly* on that DNSBL's authoritative servers, skipping the regular caching DNS server "middleman".

(Ideally, Exim would internally cache the answer for the NS lookups... so that it wouldn't have to do this NS lookup with every single DNSBL lookup. But technically, that part is a bit more exotic.)

Is there a way to do this already in Exim? If not, does anyone have any suggestions regarding how this might be implemented? For example, if it can't be done with Exim's current features, is there some kind of way that I could write a custom plugin for Exim that could possibly accomplish this? (if that is the best option, please point me in the right direction for investigating way to write Exim plugins)


PS - This can be beneficial for other uses besides my "invaluement" commercial anti-spam blacklist. For example, sometimes, those who host their own mail servers... are on remote systems that default to Google's DNS servers - and it becomes a hassle for them to set up their own DNS resolver and/or the server provider or datacenter constantly overwrites their DNS settings, forcing them back to Google (etc). Some of these organizations have subscriptions to Spamhaus, which then become useless when they have trouble reliably running their own DNS server... then their DNSBL queries for Spamhaus (and others) are sometimes blocked. For this reason, Kerio Connect has a feature called "use DNSBL provider's server directly". I'm now working towards trying to find ways to implement this same technology into other MTAs and spam filters. (thus this post!)

Rob McEwen
+1 (478) 475-9032

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