On 16.02.2015 15:12, Sujit Acharyya-choudhury wrote:

I have something like this:

domainlist throttled_domains = yahoo.com : yahoo.co.uk : yahoo.ca : yahoo.es yahoo.it : yahoo.ro

# This router limits the messages per outbound SMTP conenction:
# Place it BEFORE other regular dnslookup routers

  driver = dnslookup
  domains = +throttled_domains
  transport = dkim_smtp_throttled
  ignore_target_hosts = :

# Place something like this in transports:
  driver = smtp
  max_rcpt =9
  connection_max_messages = 5
[ rest of options]

We want to ensure that when sending a message to a mailing list, we
don't send messages to too many recipients as Yahoo, AOL usually will
block our gateway as a result.  The best way is to split the message so
that the number of recipient are within a limit of say 100 max.  What is
the best way of achieving this.  Usually, people send it to a list and
there is no way of knowing how many recipients there are in a particular
list, as some list will contain 1000 users and some may be 50.

We have set max_rcpt=30, but I have a feeling that, the message_id
remains the same for all the deliveries and as such Yahoo/AOL will go by
message_id and max_rcpt will have no effect.


Sujit Choudhury | IT Services

Birkbeck, University of London

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