On 09/04/15 14:26, Rob Gunther wrote:
> In our normal day-to-day we have maybe 2,500 messages in the exim queue at
> any time.  We retry delivery every 15 minutes, slowing down the retry as
> messages gets older.
> Had a bit of a routing issue, where Exim was accepting mail but could not
> deliver to the next server (not a mailbox).
> The queue grew on one server to just over 200,000 messages ( 14 GIGS worth!
> ).
> We stopped sending new mail to the server, so it could deal with what it
> had.
> I assumed it would blast through those messages very quick.
> It didn't move quick, it seemed to crawl. 

Exim does have a rep. for behaving that way.  The writer (I think)
commented that it was traditionally intended for environments
where the queue could be kept small.

There is some built-in support for spreading the queue over
several directories.  See split_spool_directory.

Some sites implement things like: once an item is old-enough
in the queue, move it to a different queue directory, which
is serviced by a separate exim instance.

See also https://github.com/Exim/exim/wiki/Performance


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