Hi, Max -

If from your error message you mean that the RFC5322.From header of the
message reads

From: CEX.IO Mailer [nore...@cex.io] <nore...@cex.io>

then yes, I think it is expected behaviour as the header you give is
syntactically invalid according to RFC 5322:

from            =   "From:" mailbox-list CRLF

mailbox-list    =   (mailbox *("," mailbox)) / obs-mbox-list

mailbox         =   name-addr / addr-spec

name-addr       =   [display-name] angle-addr

display-name    =   phrase

phrase          =   1*word / obs-phrase

word            =   atom / quoted-string

atom            =   [CFWS] 1*atext [CFWS]

atext           =   ALPHA / DIGIT /    ; Printable US-ASCII
                       "!" / "#" /        ;  characters not including
                       "$" / "%" /        ;  specials.  Used for atoms.
                       "&" / "'" /
                       "*" / "+" /
                       "-" / "/" /
                       "=" / "?" /
                       "^" / "_" /
                       "`" / "{" /
                       "|" / "}" /

Following the above through you can see that the *display-name* (the bit
between the "From:" and the "<nore...@cex.io>") is composed of a *phrase*,
which is made up of one or more *words*, each of which is either an *atom* or
a *quoted-string*.

An *atom* is composed of one or mote *atext* characters, and the
*atext* characters
do not include "." or "[" or "@" or "]" — all of which are present in the
sample you give.

Because of this the display-name should instead be a quoted string, meaning
the header should read:

From: "CEX.IO Mailer [nore...@cex.io]" <nore...@cex.io>

So congratulations: your requirement that the RFC5322.From header be
syntactically correct did its job and complained about one that isn't. :-)

(If the From header actually has some other value please post it here so we
can check it, rather than trying to guess it from the error logged.)

Mike B-)

On 13 April 2017 at 14:45, Max Kostikov via Exim-users <exim-users@exim.org>

> Hi!
> I just got negative result on ACL on "verify = header_syntax" check with
> this incoming mail From field
>> missing or malformed local part (expected word or "<"): failing address
>> in "From:" header is: CEX.IO Mailer [nore...@cex.io] <nore...@cex.io>
> Is this Exim's behaviour is correct?
> --
> With best regards,
> Max Kostikov
> BBM: 24CA5DF8 | W: https://kostikov.co
> --
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