
Hopefully this is a very simple question, I have some code to do a geoIP lookup 
and some rules which act upon it:

warn   set acl_m_geoip_c = {perl{get_country_code_from_ip}{$host_address}}

deny  message = sender is from {$acl_m_geoip_c} country outside of approved list
      authenticated     = *
      condition         = ${if !match {$acl_m_geoip_c}{GB}}

The message returned and logged is as follows:

2017-09-06 16:23:11 H=cloudserver039962.home.net.pl (onthepeak.pl) 
[] X=TLSv1:ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA:256 CV=no F=<sales@domainame> 
A=fixed_login:sales@domainname rejected RCPT <gio...@yahoo.com>: sender is from 
{{perl{get_country_code_from_ip}{}}} country outside of approved list

What I really wanted was the actual country code to be logged not : 

How can I achieve this? or rather what have I done wrong?

The perl code I am using, which should not be relevant is:

use Geo::IP;

  sub get_country_code_from_ip ($) {
         my $ip = shift;
         our $geoip;
         $geoip ||= new Geo::IP(GEOIP_STANDARD);
         return $geoip->country_code_by_addr($ip);

Kind Regards,


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