Zitat von Mike Brudenell via Exim-users <exim-users@exim.org>:

Hi Mike!

Take a look at the *The Exim command line* section in the *Exim
Specification*. In there you'll find many options beginning with "-oM" that
can be used to set all sorts of things. For example, you might find the
-oMa option useful.

You can use these with -bt, or you can do other types of testing such as
running a fake Exim session using the -bh option (or -bhc if your
configuration uses callouts to verify addresses and you want these
performed as well).

If you've not already done so it's well worth sitting down and reading all
the way through *Specification* as it gives a lot of insights into things.
(I'm about due to read it through yet again at our next upgrade as things
do evolve as new features are introduced over the years.)

I got it:

exim -oMi []:10026 -f b...@blub.de b...@bblah.de

Luca Bertoncello

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