On Tue, 19 Feb 2019, Mark Elkins via Exim-users wrote:

I run a "relay" server for my e-mail clients - so they can send out e-mail from any network they are connected to (so useful for travelling laptops). This machine runs only on port 587, uses authentication (same password as for their POP3/IMAP account) - etc etc.

Some nefarious people are continuously trying to discover valid username and password combos. Once they do - they flood that account with SPAM. Much bounces back to my clients - whom after a few days tell me (delayed due to embarrassment?) Often, these "scans" are being done in what looks like quite a random way, from multiple IP addresses and reasonably infrequently - say once a minute.

If you don't already, run a spamchecker on your outgoing email.

Even at once a minute your can rate-limit; I doubt that many of your clients send 5 emails in 10 minutes, so you can use exim's rate-limiting here. You can limit the number of recipients too.

Andrew C. Aitchison                                     Cambridge, UK

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