On Mon, Jan 13, 2020 at 05:00:31PM +0000, Andrew C Aitchison wrote:
> On Mon, 13 Jan 2020, Evgeniy Berdnikov via Exim-users wrote:
> > *@XXX.msk.ru        
> > ${lookup{$0}wildlsearch{/path/to/maps/XXX.msk.ru.map}{$value}{
>                               ${sg{$local_part}{_}{.}}@XXX.ru}} Fcbtrf
> > 
> What happens if you replace $local_part with $1, ie:
> *@XXX.msk.ru        
> ${lookup{$0}wildlsearch{/path/to/maps/XXX.msk.ru.map}{$value}{${sg{$1}{_}{.}}@XXX.ru}}
>  Fcbtrf
> ?

 This variant leads to the same error "421 Unexpected failure" and similar
 records in panic log.

 However, running "exim -brw" displays anomaly:
 if lookup succeeds then output is correct (with substitution from map-file),
 if lookup does not succeed exim says:

2020-01-13 21:58:56.367 [171495] Rewrite of evgeniy_berdni...@xxx.msk.ru 
yielded unqualified address "evgeniy.berdnikov"
      to: evgeniy_berdni...@xxx.msk.ru

 I lead to conclusion that variables $0, $1, etc are not visible inside ${sg}.
 Suprising. My experiments with "exim -be" show that those variables are
 passed clean from 'match' to ${sg}, for example:

-- try $0:
exim4 -be '${if match{aa__bb}{a+(_+)b+}{${sg{$0}{_}{.}}}{NONE}}'

-- try $1:
exim4 -be '${if match{aa__bb}{a+(_+)b+}{${sg{$1}{_}{.}}}{NONE}}'

 Probably there is some specific for rewriting which I do not understand. 
 Eugene Berdnikov

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