On Thu, Mar 09, 2023 at 10:57:21AM +0000, Andrew C Aitchison via Exim-users 
> On Sun, 5 Mar 2023, ael via Exim-users wrote:
> > This is my first post to this list. This is partly to report that I have
> > OAuth2 working with office 365 smtp servers,
> This is a suprise to me; as far as I know exim does not support OAUTH2.
> Are you using some extension such as
> https://github.com/pcw11211/exim4-oauth2 ?

I tried that, but could not get it to work with the office 365 system.
I used the basic idea to write my own version. Mine should be a
little more flexible and maybe could be adapted to work with other
systems like gmail/google but I have not tried to do that. I have
already spent too much of my time on this :-) The RFC6749 really is
pretty poor and allows so many variations that it is hard to write a
general OAUTH2 utility.

Anyway, I have spent a fair bit of time over the last few days adding
some documentation. I then need to decide on a licence, probably
gpl. After that I will push it to Gitlab and maybe others can extend or
improve it if needed.


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