You know, it's amazing how little information you've given us.

Although, I'm no DNS guru I have configured my DNS server and, I far as I
can tell, it works correctly.  If you need help, for starters, post your:

/var/named/localhost       (or whatever it's called)
/var/named/127             (or whatever it's called)


-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Brian Schroeder
Sent: Thursday, May 04, 2000 11:39 PM
Subject: [expert] OT DNS Server and nslookup Problems

I am trying to setup a new DNS server under Mandrake 7, to replace our
existing one currently running on Solaris 2.6.

So far as I can see I have done everything correctly.  When I try to
ping a node using the new domain name & server (via resolv.conf) it
works as expected.  However, nslookup returns the following error:

*** Can't find server name for address No response from
*** Default servers are not available

(I have never used bind 8 before).  What would be causing this?

        Brian Schroeder              |
 ,-_|\   [EMAIL PROTECTED]           |
/     \  Origin Energy Resources Ltd |        Anyone can hate,
\_,-*_/  Adelaide Australia          |      but it costs to love.
     v   GPO Box 2576 Adelaide 5001  |
        PH +61 8 8217 5782           |

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