On Sun, 07 May 2000, you wrote:
> I don't know how to fix your problem, but I do know that it ISN'T the
> bootable flag. My bootable partition is hda3, which is Win98 (was, actually -
> Win98 corrupted itself and I haven't bothered to fix it). My /boot is hda5,
> which is NOT flagged bootable.
> The one time I had your problem, I just booted from a floppy and ran lilo.
> That fixed it. YMMV.
> <I'm just here to hear from the experts, I'm not one myself>
edit /etc/lilo.conf and make /dev/hda your location for
LILO. Make the "boot=" line look like this:
Then, rerun /sbin/lilo as root. That'll fix it.

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