Having looked into getting VPN to work from my NT at home
thru my LM7.1 firewall/IPmasq, I am annoyed !
I have read the VPN howto and linux VPN masquerade. The
former is if you want to create your own local VPN. The
latter one indicates that you must patch the source and
recompile the kernel.

I am using the Nortel Network Extranet as the VPN client
on NT, which worked before adding in my linux firewall.
This extranet supports IPsec and ISAKMP. IP masq is working.

I went to http://www.wolfenet.com/~jhardin/ip_masq_vpn.html
to get the patch, which is only 2.2.15 and saved as
except that it appears to not bein gzip format. Yes, I tried
winzip and gunzip/zcat while trying to do
    zcat patchfile.gz | patch -l -p0 > vpn.log
I've contacted the author John Hardin on this, but has
anyone else got this working ?
Will the 2.2.15 patch be ok within my 2.2.16 kernel ?

So now I had to look into (learn) how to rebuild the
linux-2.2.16-secure.mdk kernel already installed.
How does the "secure" kernel get built ? Where is the
option or source I need to make sure it's compiled as
secure ?
I got the source and RPM (and installed) after running

Thanks... Dan.

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