On Sun, 16 Jul 2000, you wrote:
> After adding a new hard drive to my system and creating
> an ext2fs type partition, how do I add this to my file
> system table?? I would like to have Mdk 7.1 to start using
> this partition. I created the partition with PartitionMagic
> and did not specify a mount point at the time of creation.
> Do I need to go back into PartionMagic and do this??
> Any help with the above would be most appreciated!!
Edit your /etc/fstab with your favorite editor (note: You
*will* have to be "root" in order to do this, so I
recommend opening a console window, SU-ing to root and use
a console-based text editor.) Once you have your /etc/fstab
file in the editor, specify the mount point and the correct
/dev file the way the other mount points are specified.

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