On Sun, 23 Jul 2000, you wrote:
> When I set up this file system, the hard drive was in a 486/33, with
> 8megs of ram. Now its in a 586/100 with 64 megs of ram. I want to
> increase my swap partition from 32megs to at least 64megs. I have loads
> of free disk space, but I can't free it up. Unless there is a way to
> unmount the hard drive I'm using, while I'm using it!? 
Yep. Get a boot & root floppy, such as "Tom's Root & Boot"
and boot to that. Then, having THAT mounted, you can
perform all sorts of tasks... OR, (and this is a BIG
"maybe) telinit to runlevel1 (single-user mode) and do the
disk maintenance that way.
> I have considered using Partition Magic
> on the drive, but that raises other issues such as:
> 1. My PM disk is on loan to a friend, and he has taken a unplanned
> holiday out of town.
> 2. When I installed Linux on this drive, I forget where I installed
> Lilo. From what I've read on the Newbie list, if Lilo is on the MBR, I
> can kiss it good bye by running PM. Can I tell where Lilo is by looking
> in fstab?
Nope, but if you look at your /etc/lilo.conf you should be
able to tell. If it says "boot=/dev/hda" it's in the MBR.
> 3. I should back up my files before messing around with the hard drive
> geometry.
Definitely. :-) 
> 4. The backup method I'm used to, isn't supported in Linux, unless
> parallel port tape drives have recently been supported?
Not AFAIK. Could be wrong tho....linux supports the
paralell port Jaz and Zip drives... :-)
Good luck!

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