At 03:48 PM 8/13/2000, you wrote:
>Hi all.  I have used apache for years and years (compiling my own), but I 
>have recently started running the advanced extranet server that comes with 
>the Mandrake 7.1 distro to see if I can distinguish performance 
>benefits.  One thing that seems rather strange is that the log file does 
>not seem to be written to when the server is hit, it seems to be holding 
>the logfile info and writing it about once a day (this is a super low 
>volume testbed server, so I have not yet figured out the trigger 
>threshold).  I am also getting reports from web trends that the logfile is 
>out of time/date order, and am wondering if it is sorting the logfiles by 
>IP address before writing.
>Is this a feature of AES, and can I turn it off in the conf file 
>somewhere?  Apologies if I am missing something obvious.

Looking at I found what 
appears to be a compile time tag called BUFFERED_LOGS.  My intuition tells 
me that the Mandrake AES RPM was compiled with this feature.  If so, is 
there a way of turning it off short of recompiling?


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