Submitted 20-Aug-00 by Andreas Bergstrøm:
> So, new question: Shouldn't the mounting of /dev/hdc7 for the second
> time as swap just have failed, instead of unmounting /? Linux should
> be able to boot without a swap partition shouldn't it?
> So bug or feature?

The point you identified as the failure should be a bit prior to the
swapon call.  That being the case, possibly the mount program looked at
fstab saw two entries for hdc7 and didn't know what to do.  Perhaps it
was trying to mount the swap as /, which would obviously produce a
system freeze when the mount failed.

Anton Graham                            GPG ID: 0x18F78541
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                 RSA key available upon request
Perhaps no person can be a poet, or even enjoy poetry without a certain
unsoundness of mind.
  -- Thomas Macaulay

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