Submitted 20-Aug-00 by Asheesh Laroia:
> If any of you have Linux-based systems running on 32MB, and don't feel
> it's frightfully slow to use GNOME or KDE with it, please say so.

Of course it is, those are the two largest desktop managers there are.
Both have a memory footprint larger than your friend's RAM.

> In a related question, does the new Helix GNOME preview use less RAM than
> its predecessor?


> I need to know because he needs whatever is the lightest
> windows-ish GUI he can get (no, fvwm is not a valid choice!).

What about icewm?  It's semi-windows-ish in a default configuration and
much lighter than any GNOME/KDE stuff.

Anton Graham                            GPG ID: 0x18F78541
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                 RSA key available upon request
"Jesus may love you, but I think you're garbage wrapped in skin."
  -- Michael O'Donohugh

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