>From where I sit, I see a few different outcomes of this thread.

1.  Although the guys/gals at MandrakeSoft have tried to produce a distribution
that will work successfully with most combinations of hardware, they have been
unable to get everybody's systems perfect first time around. Hence we have a
few complaints reported to this list. Perhaps the original author could collect
the source code together that he requires and put it all together in his own
distribution. I for one would happily buy it as it would be perfect in every

2. Since he has purchased the distribution from MandrakeSoft he could use the
support facility he also purchased to have their experts assist him with his

3. He could continue to rant and rave to all and sundry and receive little or
no help from either MandrakeSoft or this list.

4. He could drop the Mandrake disribution and go elsewhere with any or all of
the following:- Linux, BeOS, FreeBSD or even M$. As a consumer that is his

What ever the outcome, my 'delete' key has been getting quite a workout this
past week or so.
All the best to the rest,

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