Submitted 23-Aug-00 by Peter M Aarestad:
> Now, this is weird. I'm trying to compile a program (yudit, in
> particular) that has

> #include <iostream.h>

> in one of its header files. Pretty normal header file for C++, right?
> Well, g++ chokes back that it can't find it! I tried a simple "hello
> world" program using iostream.h in the same way, and it wouldn't compile
> that, either. Now, mind you, it compiles other programs just fine, like
> code using <stdio.h>, but I think it's having problems finding the ANSI
> C++ files. What gives? Is there an easier solution than making symlinks
> to each and every header file in the /usr/include root directory?

> -peter

I've seen this before, sometimes libstdc++-devel doesn't get installed even
though it should have.  Ensure that /usr/include/g++-3/ actually exists and
has the headers.  Assuming that they are there, adding -I/usr/include/g++-3
to the g++ command line should work.

Anton Graham                            GPG ID: 0x18F78541
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                 RSA key available upon request
Be regular and orderly in your life, so that you may be violent and original
in your work.
  -- Flaubert

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