Submitted 04-Sep-00 by D. R. Evans:
> The geniuses at USWest added PAP authentication after the ordinary logon 
> script. In other words, you have to go through the old logon sequence and 
> then do a PAP dance that was never necessary before.
> Now why couldn't they have told me that instead of simply saying that Linux 
> isn't supported????
> One also wonders what is the point of bothering with PAP, since I've 
> already sent exactly the same information via the terminal script.

Because it's (apparently) throwing out the script based login.  You never
saw this under Windows because the DUN client automagically detects the
authentication protocol in use.  But at least you now know why they were
hanging up on you :)

Anton Graham                            GPG ID: 0x18F78541
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