In a message dated 15-Sep-00 21:50:35 Central Daylight Time, 

<< Hope this helps:
 become root
 Do the following, character for character:
 <assume pr0g.tar.gz is the file you downloaded>
 cd /root
 cd tmp
 mkdir downloads
 cd downloads
 tar zxvf pr0g.tar.gz
 <cd into the only directory present>
 make install
 You're done!
 Tell me what happens.
 Best of luck
 -- Ashesh Laroia.
 PS: What program is it? >>
well i just found out my fan works contrary to the toshiba linux article, but 
none the less i cant get make to work with other programs and i tried the 
suggested method but it tells me cannot find source file in........dir
am i missing something????

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