Okay folks, I am looking for a couple of programs, hopefully cross platform 
(linux and windows) 

1)MP3 jukebox - I plan to setup a computer with just a really big hdd to 
store mp3's of my cds so I can stream them to any computer in my house and 
with X10's Entertainment Anywherem to any stereo in the house.  What's the 
best one. I know many exist, I want one that's simple and easy to use and 
that will interface with winamp and various other windows and linux players. 

2)Flash Speed Reading program - one that allows me to feed the program a text 
file and then specify how many words to display on screen at one time, the 
time on screen and size, the time between displaying the next bunch of words 


Harondel J. Sibble 
Sibble Computer Consulting
Creating solutions for the small business and home computer user.
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