On Wed, Oct 11, 2000 at 09:20:45AM -0600, Ken Thompson wrote:
> Hello all,
> is it really possible to connect two linux computers together with NFS?
> Ping, FTP, Telnet all work just fine, I can even export an X-Windows session,
> but no cross mounting of exported directories.
> I've been trying to do this for nearly a year with very limited success.
> I can usually get one computer (foo) to connect and be able to read the
> exported directory of the other computer (bar) but have never been able to get
> (bar) to read the exported directory of (foo).
> I have tried with several different computers and several different distro's
> with the same results, ie: foo will mount bar's export but bar will not allow
> foo to mount, keeps getting an error message.
> Error messages are usually " unable to mount, connection refused or RPC not
> registered..
> My college instructor is of the opinion that it can't be done.
> What I want to do is to have the 4 computers in my home network be able to
> mount and share files accross the network like I do under <ugh> Winderz.

Nonsense. I have cross-nfs mounts routinely on my home network.

Read the NFS how-to, especially the troubleshooting section. It covers all
three of those messages.


                -- C^2

No windows were crashed in the making of this email.

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