On Sat, Nov 04, 2000 at 11:22:08AM -0600, William Reinhart wrote: 
> I just upgraded to 7.2, and set up XFree86 4.0.1 to use DRI.  Now I get a few 
> rows of randomly colored pixels across the middle of my screen.  This doesn't 
> happen if I disable DRI.  I have a 3dfx voodoo3 AGP and XFree86-4.0.1-26mdk.  
> Does anyone know how to fix this without disabling DRI?

Just installed the DRI Stuff, but from linux.3dfx.com (Used the Binary
packages and forced the install). Removed the Mesa-Libs, and recpompiled
the tdfx-Module for the Kernel. You'll find all Informations on the
specified page.

Also, make sure you use 16bpp (64k Colors), as acceleration seems to not
work in other modes.

Working nice here.

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