Hi Folks,

anyone here who has a hint on that ?

Tryining to use kmail, it tryes to start, but wont display.
~#ps auxwww | grep kmail
smurphy  10372  0.8  3.3 20372 6596 ?        S    13:53   0:01 kmail -caption KMail 
-icon kmail.png -miniicon kmail.png
smurphy  10373  0.3  4.4 21208 8816 ?        D    13:53   0:00 kmail -caption KMail 
-icon kmail.png -miniicon kmail.png

So, the app runs, but wont diplay - means, I can't use it. Also, the
.xsession-errors has a little Entry concerning kmail, but I don't think it
has something to do with my problem...

Could not dlopen library kmail.la: file not found
Could not load library! Trying exec....
KLauncher doing clientStarted(`kmail')
Unknown child process 10467 died

When I delete the contents of the ~/Mail Directory, or reduce drastically
the size of the Mail/* folders, it displays again.

I tend to use kmail and mutt (kmail under X/KDE, mutt while remotely
logged in). The Mail-Directory is nfs-mounted from my Server running
RedHat-6.1, with NFS-Updated to kernel NFS to support the locking
mechanism correctly.

Any hints from anyone out there ???


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