Submitted 14-Nov-00 by Ronnie Whipp:

> cp works just fine for that;

Yes, if you want to copy real files (not symlinks) and don't care about the
permissions, then backing up/copying to a FAT file system is fine.  But the
additional information required for links and permissions is not present in
a FAT file system.

> I also have my ISP primarily installed in W98,
>  but I access the mail directories and address book from linux via soft
>  links.

Right, but the symlinks are not on the FAT partition, they only refence
files on the FAT partition.

> Didn't work properly under LM7.0, as all the directories in the dos
>  partition had 0755 permissions, but with 7.1 they're 0777.

Matter of mounting options.

> I installed using 'Welcome to Crackers'security and added passwds later, if
>  that makes any difference.

That's why your options defaulted to giving you wide open access to the FAT

Anton Graham                            GPG ID: 0x18F78541
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