On Wed, Nov 15, 2000 at 10:16:35AM -0600, J. Pedro Sousa do Amaral wrote:
Content-Description: Text
> Hi,
> I recently upgraded to Mandrake 7.2. After the upgrade I started to have
> problems with my local mail agent. When I issue mail <local_address> or mail
> <remote_address>, I get a message like the one below.
> Can't create transcript file ./xfeAEI8LC01988: Permission denied queueup:
> cannot create queue temp file ./tfeAEI8LC01988, uid=1001: Permission denied
> I believe that it may be related to write permissions somewhere in the /var
> subdirectories, but do not know how to change those permissions safely.
> I use sendmail. I have no problems sending messages with KMail, only when I
> invoke mail or pine at the command line.
> Anybody has ideas about how to fix this? TIA.

KMail may not use sendmail to ship email out, and if you have configured
it to get mail from somewhere other than your own computer, it probably
does not use sendmail to collect it.

To send mail via sendmail, you have to have the outgoing spool directory
set up correctly. This works on my system:

root@charlesc # ll -d /var/spool/mqueue/
drwxr-xr-x    2 root     mail         2048 Nov 15 09:23 /var/spool/mqueue

Directories above mqueue have the same permissions.

Also verify the permissions on sendmail itself:

root@charlesc # ll `which sendmail`
-rwsr-sr-x    1 root     root       324380 Dec 12  1999 /usr/sbin/sendmail

> ZP
> --
> José Pedro Sousa do Amaral
> We only can learn from our mistakes.
>       --K. Popper

Not true. We can also learn from a priori reasoning. And the mistakes of


                -- C^2

No windows were crashed in the making of this email.

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