On Wed, Nov 22, 2000 at 01:41:59PM +0100, Robert Fox wrote:
> I have LM 7.2 on one machine using a realtek 8139 10/100 Ethernet card,
> the DHCP host is (unfortunately) a Win2K machine with a 3Com 3C905
> 10/100 card using network sharing . . .
> When the Linux box fires up - it finds it's address no problem - and
> continues happily along in the boot process.  When I shutdown the DHCP
> host, or just disconnect the ISDN internet access from the host machine
> . . . the Linux box seems to hang - mouse movement works, but keyboard
> non-responsive and nothing opens or closes . . . can't even bring up a
> virtual console!
> When I allow the Win2K host back on the Internet - the Linux box "wakes
> up" and continues on like nothing happened!?!?!?
> What is the rule of thumb about DHCP hosts, timeouts and where can I
> tweak these parameters if any?

All that stuff is set up on the DHCP server, which in the present instance
means your Windows box.

I have found out the hard way that it is not a good idea to take your DHCP
server off line for very long, as clients will loose their networking
marbles. The workaround is to ifconfig down, then ifconfig up the
appropriate NIC.


                -- C^2

No windows were crashed in the making of this email.

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