
> Thanks for the reply, but that doesn't work.  At least in the form:
>  find /etc/* -amin 8

Try this...
    # touch -t 12010001 /zhacked
    # find . -newer /zhacked | tee /zfiles

This will create/modify file /zhacked to have a timestamp as
indicated MMDDhhmm and then search for all files newer than
/zhacked , where the output is sent to your terminal and also
to file /zfiles.  You can then look through that file.

Be on the lookout for any hidden dot files (ex: .tst, .. , etc).
Yes, that's right a file named '.. ' which will show up in a 
listing as '..' fooling you into thinking it is the parent directory.
Using 'ls -alF' will show you all hidden files (unless ls was hacked).

Thanks... Dan.

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