I am having a problem on my LM 7.1 server running postfix.  I need another pair of 
eyes to help me with this.

I am getting entries in the /var/log/main.info like:
Dec  2 21:15:17 server1 postfix/smtp[21898]: connect to 
ASPIRIN.DII.utk.edu[]: No route to host (port 25)
Dec  2 21:15:20 server1 postfix/smtp[21898]: connect to 
MAILHOST.CAS.utk.edu[]: No route to host (port 25)

which seems to indicate a routing problem and not a postfix problem.  Also:

[root@server1 mail]# telnet mailhost.cas.utk.edu
Connected to mailhost.cas.utk.edu.
Escape character is '^]'.
Connection closed by foreign host.

[root@server1 mail]# telnet mailhost.cas.utk.edu 25
telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: No route to host

As you can see, I can telnet the host but NOT on port 25!  Anyone have an ideal why 
this fails?

This is not an ipchains rule blocking output to port 25.

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