Look into xinetd......
--- Lee Buller's Linux <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Ladies and Gentlemen....
> I am fumbling around with a Mandrake 7.2 install and cannot seem to
> configure the FTP Server to get it to connect.  inetd is running, but I
> cannot get a connect and cannot seem to undestand why.  I have set up a
> group called "everyone" and place all the users in that group and given
> that group permissions.  I've set up annomouoyus log in, but still cannt
> get the thing to work.  I must be missing something.  Could someone job
> my
> memory as to what I could be doing wrong?  THe FTP Client refuses to
> make a
> connection.
> Lee Buller
> Newton Medical Center
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