> I installed LM7.2 with security setting High. So it installed kernel-secure 
> for me. I want to add a module to kernel for ip_masq_h323 to allow windows 
> clients on the local network to use NetMeeting.
> I have ip_masq_h323.c. All I want is the kernel-secure sources so that I can 
> recompile the kernel and install my new modules.
> Or is it possible to just compile ip_masq_h323.c without recompiling the 
> kernel? How to do that?

I have these lines in my rc.firewall script...
    # Load all required IP MASQ modules
    #    Note: only load required modules that you need
    # Needed to initially load modules
    /sbin/depmod -a

    # These modules are necessary to masquerade their respective services.
    # Supports the proper masquerading of FTP transfers (active and passive)
    /sbin/modprobe ip_masq_ftp
    # Supports the masquerading of RealAudio over UDP. Without this module,
    #          Real Audio WILL function but in TCP mode. This can cause
    #          a reduction in sound quality.
    # /sbin/modprobe ip_masq_raudio
    /sbin/modprobe ip_masq_raudio ports=554,7070,7071,6970,6971

So you can also load yours as a kernel module upon bootup.

Thanks... Dan.

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