You mentioned running mkinitrd, and editing lilo.conf, but did you ever
run lilo?  - Ron
--- Buchan Milne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> In an attempt to get our CD-RW server back up and writing CDs, I have
> installed the kernel 2.2.16-9mdk from the 7.1 updates. After doing the
> mkinitrd and editing the lilo.conf file etc, I rebooted. The kernel
> mounted the root partition ro, then had the following 2 error messages:
> Cannot open console
> init not found, try passing init= at boot time
> (or something like that, I couldn't afford the time to write it down as
> people aanted to print).
> Does anyone know what would fix this.
> In the meantime I am compiling my own kernel on the machine (P75 w/ 32
> MB ram) ...
> Buchan

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