Try writing the command into a script file, make it executable, and
reference the cron to that.

--- "Russell \"Elik\" Rademacher" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>       Is the Crontab broken in the Mandrake 7.2?  For past few days after I
> installed the new crontabs for one user and another as other, it simply
> do
> not run at all.
>       Here is the entry that I set up in the crontab as follows:
> Elik's Crontab:
> 25 13 17 * * tar -zcpf /home/elik/archives-backup/2798-Monthly-`date
> '+%b'`.tar.gz /home/bt2798/2798/backups/`date '+b'`*
> 20 13 17 * * tar -zcpf /home/elik/archives-backup/3056-Monthly-`date
> '+%b'`.tar.gz /home/bt3056/3056/backups/`date '+b'`*
> Bt2798's Crontab
> 22 13 * * * /bin/sh tar -zcpf /home/bt2798/backup/bt2798-`date
> '+%b-%d-%a'`.tar.gz /home/bt2798/2798/data/
>       So..after few days of checking the directories... they do not have it. 
> I
> tested the command as it is and it works nicely, but no under cron.  It
> seems regular cron jobs that is placed in the /etc works fine, but
> nothing
> for the crontab files.
>       Any clue guys?
> ----------------------------------------------
> Linux Administrator & Consultant
> Russell "Elik" Rademacher

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