On 01.31 Simon Cousins wrote:
> What I'm seeing more and more, however, and what makes me a little sad and
> nostalgic for the pioneering days, is a general movement towards
> "complaining to the developers" 'cause something doesn't work to a user's
> full expectations.

I don't think so. Apart from an small amount of people who see the list as
a free support place, I see the usual 'complaint' messages as: hey, this
does not work in my config, so check it out to clean up your marvelous

Only in few cases you can see the hidden added phrase: 'and have it ready
for me this night, come on, the only thing you work for is to clean my bug'.

J.A. Magallon                                                      $> cd pub
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]                                          $> more beer

Linux werewolf 2.4.1-zcn #1 SMP Tue Jan 30 11:38:19 CET 2001 i686

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