Woody Green wrote:
> Peña Arellano Fabian Erasmo wrote:
> >
> >         Hi,
> >
> >         I am having a couple of problems with ssh
> >
> >         1. When I try to open some graphical programs from the
> >            ssh server on the client, I get the following message:
> >
> > channel 0: istate 4 != open
> > channel 0: ostate 64 != open
> > channel 1: istate 4 != open
> > channel 1: ostate 64 != open
> > X connection to ahuizotl.uam.mx:10.0 broken (explicit kill or server shutdown).
> > channel 2: istate 4 != open
> > channel 2: ostate 64 != open
> > X connection to ahuizotl.uam.mx:10.0 broken (explicit kill or server shutdown).
> > channel 3: istate 4 != open
> > channel 3: ostate 64 != open
> > X connection to ahuizotl.uam.mx:10.0 broken (explicit kill or server shutdown).
> > channel 4: istate 4 != open
> > channel 4: ostate 64 != open
> > X connection to ahuizotl.uam.mx:10.0 broken (explicit kill or server shutdown).
> >
> >            And the program obviously doen't open. On the other
> >            side at least Linuxconf does.
> >
> >         2. I cannot use the variable $SSH_CLIENT inside a bash
> >            script. From command line the "echo $SSH_CLIENT" works fine,
> >            but echoes nothing if executed inside a script.
> >
> >         Any help would be greatly appreciated.
> >
> >         Fabian.
> 1.) In your .bashrc comment out the following 4 lines and relogin:
> [ -n $DISPLAY ] && {
>        [ -f /etc/profile.d/color_ls.sh ] && source /etc/profile.d/color_ls.sh
>         export XAUTHORITY=$HOME/.Xauthority
> }
> 2.) Couldn't help you there ($SSH_CLIENT), as it works for me
> correctly both ways.
>         Woody

Footnote:  The remote machine is where the problems should lie and 
the 4 lines need commenting out.

     Woody ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

Gatewood Green         Web Developer
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