On Sat, 29 Sep 2001 22:26, you wrote:
> Franki wrote:
> > speaking as someone who has done this, I give you this message...
> >
> > DON'T !!!
> >
> > you will be successful at installing it, and you will be able to run
> > software
> > written for it, but some or alot of your old software will break,,
> >
> > I had all sorts of little problems after I did it, even things that are
> > seemingly unrelated, like pppd not being able to sustain a connection
> > after the upgrade..
> >
> > other stuff as well..
> First, let me say, congrats! for your success with your system. As for
> your warning...it is taken seriously. I've also done this before and
> ended up with a similar mess. however, this time i've begun to compile
> all the packages that my system is telling me that are dependent upon
> present libraries on the system. I've got a two page list of them. I've
> got the 8.0 disks that i'm grabbing the 8.0 equivalants for and placing
> them into a directory to see if that will quell the system's complaints
> for dependency issues.
> > if you are going to do it.. remove all packages on you PC except for the
> > kernel and basic necessary stuff.
> > then upgrade it (glibc), and download all the src packges and recompile
> > them all...
> >
> > Good luck....
> >
> > or you could just get mdk8 or 8.1 and use that...
> As far as installing mdk 8.0 and above, sadly that is not an option.
> Each time i've attempted that on this machine - AMD K6 233Mhz/generic
> motherboard/160MB SDRAM/trident 9660 vid card/"old" SMC ethernet
> card/ISA 3Com USRobotics 56K Modem/"old" Ensonic sound card/"new" Sony
> CD-RW/Phillips T107 17" LightFrame flatscreen monitor - the install goes
> through ok until it's time to make a boot floppy. the install is unable
> to see the drive and create the boot floppy. then, when i attempt to
> configure X things really get ugly. At this point i figure i can just do
> it from console as i've had to do many other times in different
> situation with various systems - no big deal.
> when the system reboots after the "ehem" install, i get the usual boot
> error that the kernel, who i'm convinced has been drinking and has gone
> blind in the process, is unable to "find" the very "/" (root) partition
> created and installed to only a few moments before. So, system won't
> boot after installation cause it can't find the root (/boot). since i'm
> possitive it's not a cylinder 1024 issue and i'm currently running
> Mandrake 7.2 and prior versions on this machine for over two years now
> i've determined it's either a hardware issue, or...it's a hardware issue
> AND verion 8.x penguin hates my guts!
> I too thought about grabbing the src.rpm's and rebuilding them, but
> that's a catch 22 since those packages all require either glibc-2.2.x OR
> >= gcc-2.9.x in order for that to happen. kinda like you need to have an
> > egg before you can have a chicken, but you also need to have a chicken
> > before you can get the egg!

I'm assuming that this is *not* a production box you are attempting this on - 
or at least that it is all backed up...

The reason that I ask is that I have seen all too many people, both on & off 
this list who keep on playing with a major production box.

Now, you may get it to work, and it may all go smoothly, and the many fine 
people here may be able to give the benefit of their knowledge & experience 
before, during, and after the process

... but surely it's better to go down that path on a box that really doesn't 

just a thought, and no personal slur intended - just that I've been a test 
engineer for too long... :)
john in syd

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