On Thu, 8 Nov 2001 23:06, you wrote:
> Whatever the technical reasons, as a desktop user I am not really
> interested in knowing all that. 

However, if you subscribe *totally* to the consumer mentality you seem to be 
espousing while dealing with OpenSource (or its variants), you're in for a 
rocky path indeed.

I'm not knocking you for that, but I personally expect to have to do a little 
bit of research, get to know about my own hard/software interactions, and 
check the releases from *any* source (even kernel.org) on a test machine 
before I roll it into production. That's the trade-off for having a huge 
distributed developer base, and an extremely low-cost product (free, if you 
want to)

> 8,1 is really problematic, probably a
> hurried release trying to keep up with SuSE , RedHat etc. in the release
> cycle and not testing properly on different, commonly used hardware
> configurations.

.....So you've signed up on cooker, so that the release cycle can benefit 
from your contributions and add one more hardware configuration to their test 

...and what exactly is a "commonly used hardware configuration". I personally 
haven't seen one on the PC-side in at least 5 years, in fact not since the 
pre-clone days :)

2 cents
john in syd

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