Here is some collected wisdom that was given to me to get Java working in
Mozilla by Isaac, so I'll pass it along to you.  I haven't organized it
well, but all the info should be there.



1st, install the jdk/jre, then:
youre gonna want the fully qualified file name for the symlink

ln -s /usr/jre1.3.1/plugins/i386/ns600/
both the file to be linked and the folder its going to need to be fully

> As for your email, the command line solution can be found on page 98 of
> Running
> Linux (Welsh, Dalheimer and Kaufman - O'Reilly & Associates) and on page
> 219 of
> Linux in a Nutshell (Siever, Spainhour, Figgins and Hekman - O'Reilly).
> If you
> don't already have both books I STRONGLY recommend picking them up.
 Anyway, the
> command
> you're looking for is "ln".  It works as follows: (the #'s are just to
> signify
> the root command prompt)
> # ln [options] sourcename(s) [destination directory]
> where "sourcename(s)" is the name of the file(s) you want to create
> links to (in
> your case and "destination directory" is the
> directory you
> want the links to appear in (in my case it was
> /usr/local/mozilla0.9.3/mozilla/plugins, yours will be pretty similar -
> just
> make sure it ends up in /plugins)
> The option you'll be using will be -s (for symbolic).  So, assuming your
> mozilla
> directory were located like mine is, the command would be:
> # ln -s /usr/local/mozilla0.9.3/mozilla/plugins
> Your command would only differ depending on where your mozilla folder
> is.
> Anyway, after you install it you should use the simple command "ls -l
> [destionation directory]" to see that your symbolic link arrived
> appropriately.
>  The line for the java plugin should start with the letter "l" to show
> it is a
> link.  If all seems fine and dandy then try going to someplace that uses
> java
> and see if you get the error message.  If you do, try logging out and
> logging
> back in.  If it still doesn't work than I told you something stupid and
> write me
> back so I can correct it.  If by some miracle it all ends up fine and
> you think
> it'd be useful to other people then forward it to the list.

It might also help to do change the owner and group of the /plugins
directory to youruserid:
Chown -R youruserid plugins  (from the /usr/lib/mozilla dir)
Chgrp -R youruserid plugins    (same)

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Phil [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, November 28, 2001 5:26 AM
> Subject: [expert] Mozilla & Java
> Hello All,
> This probably seems like a dumb question but I can't see how 
> I can get 
> Mozilla to use the Netscape Java plugin.
> I can't do any Internet Banking with konqueror and only some 
> transactions 
> with Netscape. I don't expect that Mozilla will be any better 
> but I thought 
> it might be worth a try, once I get Java support.
> -- 
> Regards,
> Phil

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