Michael Scottaline wrote:
> On Fri, 2002-02-22 at 19:04, Expert wrote:
> <rest of the nonsense snipped>
> I've been on numerous lists where @kittypuss has posted.  Unfortunately
> it has always been the same.  He's a)a troll b)a jerk c) a pathetic
> soul.  My guess is , unfortunately, c).
> Might I suggest not overreacting, or even responding to his irrational
> diatribes.  I've seen many pitiful espousals of self loathing from this
> "domain", on a variety of lists.  I suggest filtering.

some children never grow up. usage of 4 letter words is inversely
proportional to intelligence.

i did go back thru last 2 months of this list's posting to find ekp
had 14 post. originate = 4, replies = 10.

in which, ekp seems to be very terse in his supplying helpful info
to have his problems solved, which led to some snide remarks that
could/should have been better worded.

all of this could have been avoided if one would remember,

 when you see a cow pile with flies, and do not smell it,
 do not kick it to get rid of flies. you only renew odour
 and draw more flies.

also, take a long time to think about ekp's email address. it should
tell you something about person sending. 'expert', 'kittypuss.org',
those two tend to say it all.

> "Education is a progressive discovery of our own ignorance."
>            --Will Durant

this says a lot.

peace out.


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