David Guntner wrote:

> I like using the Mandrake Control Center because it's convenient.  But yea,
> this results in my sometimes scratching my head when I'm trying to figure
> out how to do it from the shell.  And when I'm remote and using a ssh
> session to access my machine, this can be really annoying. :-)  What I'd
> like to see is that when you try to apply your change from the MCC, that it
> pop up a window showing you what shell commands it's going to execute in
> order to meet your change request.  *That* would be helpful (at least, to
> me :), since at the very least, it shows me what command needs to be run,
> and then when I'm running from a remote ssh login, something in the back of
> my brain will be likely to say, "hey, isn't command <x> the one that does
> this?" and then I can start attacking the man page.
> Just a thought....
>                --Dave

And a very good thought it is. Would be nice to see such a utility made
for Linux (maybe there already is). Sun does this somewhat for Solaris
but IBM takes the prize with a very useful utility called "SMIT" for
AIX. With "SMIT" or its CLI alternative called "smitty" you can choose
your operation, and it will generate the command with all of the
appropriate switches and args. Very cool concept indeed.

Hey, David, why don't you write such a program. I think perl would be
the language of choice. Let me know when you are finish, and I will give
it a go...

J. Craig Woods
UNIX/NT Network/System Administration

-Art is the illusion of spontaneity-

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