On Tue, 2002-04-02 at 22:34, mike wrote:
> Remember before November.  That only Dems are supporting this is conservative 
> revisionism.  Fire em all I say.  Vote out the ones you can and recall the 
> rest.

Conservative revisionism?  WTF? By who's reckoning?  I've been watching
the democratic and republican parties with interest for the last three
years, and I can assure you that the democrats-liberals have ALWAYS been
behind both the constitutional rights erosion AND are the primary dildos
of entertainment industry's attack on open source.  The only
"revisionism" around here is LIBERAL revisionism; HELLO ---- THEY

Yeah, there are some liberals and turncoats in republican clothing out
there, but it is almost exclusively the democrats-liberals that have
control of the media; what any liberal reports to the media is accepted
without question, no matter what credentials (wether they exist or no),
while anything contributed by a "conservative" is not even given the
time of day. "Politically Incorrect" was a prime example of liberal
media in action. They control the pathetic quotient of the public
educational system(which is liberal as a result); they push taxes, gun
control, and anything else that might help to weaken and further enslave
the middle class.  They are the true cancer of this nation and should be
eliminated totally from power.  It's time that the people fighting the
good fight rise up against these corrupt lying hypocrites and get them
purged from our national structure.

Now they percieve open source as a threat to their gravy train and they
know they cannot beat it on technical ground; therefore they are going
to legislate it out of existence.  Well, they can kiss my a$$; it aint
going to happen if myself and others of like mind short circuit their
elitist anti competitive chess game.

> > On Tuesday 02 April 2002 02:31, James wrote:
> > Well it looks like the working stiff of the US has someone in
> > Washington that believes we aren't all theives.  Senator Leheay of
> > Vermont THE man such a bill must satisfy to even make it to the
> > floor.  Has said point blank... not this season it won't.  However
> > remember one thing for the people in CA  Feinstien was the
> > co-sponsor!!! Remember come November.
> >
> > James


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