Hi Pablo,

Pablo Saratxaga wrote:
> Kaixo!

>>$ man gcc
>>/usr/bin/groff: can't find `DESC' file
>>/usr/bin/groff:fatal error: invalid device `nippon'
> This is due to the "man" program having a config file intended to use with
> a "groff" program that has some japanese patches.
> Edit the file /etc/man.config and change the lines JNROFF and JNEQN so
> they defin a command and parameters the same as in the lines NROFF and NEQN.

I changed the file /etc/man.config as you suguested. However now I get 
"man gcc" partialy working

out put is like this:
If we find that the things in this man page that are out of date cause 
                       cant  confusion

"man man" comes out in japanese only (which is surprising as i dont have 
man-pages-ja installed):
man(1)                                                     man(1)

        man - オンラインマニュアルページを整形し表示する。
        manpath - 

i tried using groff for JNROFF as well, but output was only in 
postscript, i added the -Tps option and it still did not work.

This is the file options I have now, any sugestions welcome.



TROFF           /usr/bin/groff -Tps -mandoc
NROFF           /usr/bin/nroff -mandoc
JNROFF          /usr/bin/nroff -mandoc
EQN             /usr/bin/geqn -Tps
NEQN            /usr/bin/geqn -Tlatin1
JNEQN           /usr/bin/geqn -Tlatin1
TBL             /usr/bin/gtbl
# COL           /usr/bin/col
REFER           /usr/bin/grefer
PIC             /usr/bin/gpic
PAGER           /usr/bin/less -isrr
CAT             /bin/cat

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