Has anyone gotten vmware to compile modules for the secure kernel in
8.2/cooker yet?  It's complaining that the source in
/usr/src/linux/include is different from the running kernel
(ie. 2.4.18-6.4mdk vs. 2.4.18-6.4mdksecure).

So I try to build the modules manually, in /usr/lib/vmware/modules, as
this worked well for me with 8.1 when it wasn't building properly, but
now when I run vmware-config.pl it doesn't find any suitable drivers
and I've tried saving them as up-2.4.18-6.4mdksecure-8.2, smp-*, and
even secure-*, with the SMP option enabled in the properties file
because it looks as though the secure kernels are built for SMP.

On another note, is there a performance hit on a single CPU system
running the secure kernel with SMP code enabled?

MandrakeSoft Security; http://www.mandrakesecure.net/
"lynx -source http://www.freezer-burn.org/bios/vdanen.gpg | gpg --import"
1024D/FE6F2AFD   88D8 0D23 8D4B 3407 5BD7  66F9 2043 D0E5 FE6F 2AFD

Current Linux kernel 2.4.18-6.4mdksecure uptime: 20 hours 11 minutes.

Attachment: msg53240/pgp00000.pgp
Description: PGP signature

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