Praedor Tempus wrote:
> On Thursday 06 June 2002 08:27 pm, J. Craig Woods wrote:
>>On Thursday 06 June 2002 11:42, you wrote:
>>>I've not had much luck getting messages to post for some reason.
>>>Just testing to see if this one makes it.
> Are ya'll getting bounced mails or delivery failures?  I run postfix and was 
> unable to post for a while.  Postfix would give me mail delivery failures and 
> lots of "Unable to send for the last 4 hours, still trying" messages. 

I don't get any messages at all. The e-Mail just doesn't show up on the 
list... Kind of dissapears into the twilight zone, and is never heard 
from again.

> My problem appeared/appears to be a two-fold problem.  First, my domain 
> wasn't acceptable to the mandrake (or kde) mailservers - a dns problem that I 
> fixed.  Second, it depends on which ISP I use.  Purdue doesn't give a rat's 
> that I have my own mailserver.  That mail gets through fine.  ISPWest, my 
> alternate (under testing), doesn't like it, so it seems, since my mails 
> posted through a connection to them fails.  

I have been noticing that some messages don't make it from either my 
home address, or my work address. It's indescriminate as to where I send 
it from. Thus confirming my suspision that the problem is originating on 
the Mandrake side.

> 1.  What is different about the way you post messages that ARE getting 
> through vs those that aren't?

Nothing. I've sent copies of e-Mail that didn't make it the first time, 
and they show up the second.

> 2. Are you sure your domain/name is fully and properly setup?

Oh yeah. I've been having some strange occurances on my home domain 
lately, but I find that I have more failed messages from work, than from 

> 3. Your ISP isn't a butthead about mailservers being run on client systems?

Again, in my case, it's not limited to just my home address.

Let's face it.. It's on the Mandrake side. It's happening to a lot of 

Ric Tibbetts

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