> Anyway, codeweavers did a great job on Office, but there may well be no 
> way at this time to run IE on a linux system.  Opera can claim to be IE 
> and often that is good enough.
> Civileme

.. well, i did run IE in wine a couple of times, it was a nightmare as a
browser, unstable and slower than Opera, but it did work. i even loaded
java applets and flash trash in it..

i also got some of the Office suite to open up. it was, to say it
in a single word, unusable. ( fonts, opening files, practically nothing worked )

all of this using codeweavers wine.

so, the point is i think IE is possible, but office is a longer shot.

oh, and by the way, opening MS Word thru wine
( which means opening up the wineserver and all that stuff wine does
before the actual program begins to run ) is still WAY faster than
OpenOffice. i mean i can open 4 instances of word thru wine while
i watch the OpenOffice splash. :o(

i think the OO guys have reached a somewhat mature point of usability
and should focus on optimisation now..


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