On Tue, 18 Jun 2002 15:25:33 -0700
James <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> All,
>    Just got this in a peice of spam.... I'll quote only the first two
> lines
>               Windows XP has arrived... and you need 
>               to eliminate the learning curve quickly.
> So I did ...... I only run Linux.....*grin*
> James

learning curve... the only "learning curve" in Windoze XP
is 'learning how to stop using your brain'...

the media player convers audio files to the format it wants ( wma. 
and if you try to make an mp3, you get a wma, and a nice notify message
listing the great advantages of the wma format )..

the drivers get automatically chosen and installed, even if they
are not working, and there's nothing you can do to prevent it..

you get stupid little "hints" that explain things a 5 year old 
can understand.. 

ah, yes, they removed the stupid clippy from office, but now
in the allmighty XP you get a stupider dog in the search file dialog ;oP

XP was one of the main reasons i hardly ever boot a win partition anymore simply 
beacuse "the learning curve" was a "brainwashing curve".

i've seen an ad on TV about hose electronic gadgets they sell to
"exercise" and loose weight.. it's something like a big strap with
which you wrap your arm or leg, and turn it on.. then your
muscles in that area starts twitching grossly with electric
impulses while te voice in the add says "your muscles exercise
just like the order was coming from your brain!!! "

.... i guess that means this 'device' is designed to replace my
brain? finally we'll be freed from the inmensely difficult task
of THINKING???? well, i won't be waiting in line to buy one
of those devices anytime soon, and the same goes for eXPee... ;o)

( how's that for a "machines taking over" movie script. hehehe... )


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