I had to download the source rpm, fix a braindead inability to find librecode 
(I installed the mandrake rpms for recode and recode-devel but it installs 
the devel libs in /usr/local/lib!  What other Mandrake-native rpm does this? 
None.  Why does recode-devel and only recode-devel want to install there?)

Rebuilding pybliographic seems to have fixed the problem as I am now once 
again able to edit reference db entries.  Whew!  Was worried there for a 
minute.  Cannot live without a decent reference manager.


On Wednesday 03 July 2002 02:33 pm, Praedor Tempus wrote:
> I absolutely NEED pybliographic.  I have been using it for years to handle
> my references for scientific writing.  I just installed the 8.2 version of
> pybliographic (pybligrapher-1.0.11) and find it appears broken.  It will
> open up reference databases OK but it will not permit editing or adding to
> the database.
> What has been done to this beautiful, one-of-a-kind app to break it in
> Mandrake 8.2?
> praedor

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