Femme wrote on Wed, Jul 10, 2002 at 07:33:20PM -0600 :
> Not sure if I should ask this here or Newbie list.  But here goes.

It's customary to start a new thread when you are asking a new question.
Just because you change the subject doesn't mean that mailers won't
place them after the message that you hit "Reply" on.  :)

> I have 2 MDK installs, one Resiser partitions & the other on XFS.  I've
> tried to configure LILO to use one vmlinux & initrd file for each
> install as both sets of kernels/init files are in the /boot directory on
> each install!
> So...In Lilo's graphical section under MDK control centre, I found
> listings for both of them I think.  One calls itself
> vmlinuz-blah-kernel#here, and the other is just vmlinuz.  Ditto for the
> init files.
> Yet when I select what I think are the appropriate kernels/inits, for
> the Stable install it hangs on booting Lilo.  So...?

Those are going to be only for one instance.  The first question is
"Which installation's lilo is in the MBR?"  Follow that answer with the
output of 'fdisk -l /dev/hda' (assuming that your drives are IDE).  I
want to see what you have each of the partition types set to and tell us
where you have them mounted.

With this beginning set of answers, we'll be able to see exactly what
you've got and then that will allow us to make the second set of
questions.  In the future if you provide as much information as you
think might be pertinent or useful, we might be able to get you an
answer without a lot of back and forth Q&A. :)

Blue skies...           Todd
  Todd Lyons -- MandrakeSoft, Inc.   http://www.mandrakesoft.com/
UNIX was not designed to stop you from doing stupid things, because 
  that would also stop you from doing clever things. -- Doug Gwyn
   Cooker Version mandrake-release-8.3-0.2mdk Kernel 2.4.18-21mdk

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