Todd Lyons wrote:

>Ryan wrote on Thu, Jul 18, 2002 at 02:29:15PM -0400 :
>>xinetd based services:
>>        pop3:   on
>service xinetd restart
>If still not listed in netstat -ltn as listening on, then I
>suggest that you take a look in /var/log/messages to see what xinetd is
>logging as it starts up.
>Blue skies...          Todd
I am proudly writing this from my Windows machine, having for the first 
time in a year managed to get the pop3d working!

Thank you very much Todd!  I knew there MUST be error messages, but I 
had no idea where they would be!  I need the NHF:So you need to read 
your logs.  

Jul 18 15:37:01 www xinetd[1188]: missing service keyword [line=13]
Jul 18 15:37:01 www xinetd[1188]: missing } in last service entry [line=14]
Jul 18 15:37:01 www xinetd[1188]: xinetd Version 2.3.0 started with 
libwrap options comp
iled in.
Jul 18 15:37:01 www xinetd[1188]: Started working: 0 available services

Fixed the problem on line 13 and tadaa!  Thank you again all who helped.

Ryan Steffes

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